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Weltmann Kfz-Teile GmbH
Ernst-Meurin-Str. 51a
D-33415 Verl
Phone: +49 5246 838607-0
Fax: +49 5246 838607-45

Managing Director

John-Tommes Wystron

Company Headquarters/Register Court

Register court: Gütersloh HRB 10893

VAT ID No. according to § 27a of the German VAT Act


Responsible in accordance with § 55 RStV

John-Tommes Wystron

Copyright and Liability Disclaimer:

The information on these websites is regularly updated. Despite all care, data may have changed or contain errors and inaccuracies in the meantime. Therefore, no liability or guarantee for the timeliness, accuracy, and completeness of the provided information can be assumed. This also applies to all other websites referred to via hyperlinks. The publisher is also not responsible for the content of websites reached through such a connection.
Furthermore, the publisher reserves the right to make changes or additions to the provided websites. The content and structure of the websites are protected by copyright. The duplication of information or data, particularly text excerpts or images, requires prior approval from the publisher.

Online Dispute Resolution pursuant to § 14 (1) ODR Regulation:

In compliance with our duty to inform, we point out that the European Commission provides a platform for online dispute resolution at the following link:

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